
Welcome to
Transactions with Beauty.
Thanks for being here.
I hope that this is a space that inspires you to add something beautiful to the world. I truly believe that 
you are required to make something beautiful.

– Shawna



Writing Music

Writing Music

For years I wrote to Hildegard Von Bingen's 11,000 Virgins: Chants for the Feast of St. Ursula. Usually I would listen to it as part of my warm-up and then once through, before turning to silence. These days, I often just skip ahead to the silence. But lately I've been using Max Richter's On the Nature of Daylight from The Blue Notebooks. I listen to it on low for a while, until I'm sort of mesmerized or something. Some clever soul has put it on a 10 hour loop, but I find that's a bit much and have anyway purchased it and listen to it in my iTunes. You might recognize it as it's been in a number of films. 

I've gone through phases of listening to various other pieces, but am wondering what you listen to as you write or edit photos or paint? Sometimes I hear this piece as I walk in the field, and so if you hit play and look through the photos accompanying this post I hope it will be a similar experience. 

summer field
summer path
field in summer
black lab running
grass field
grassy path
path in field
The Idyllic Writing Life

The Idyllic Writing Life

Typing in the Time Before the Internet

Typing in the Time Before the Internet